Our best hotel deals

Summer offer

Book more - get more!
Book 1 night - get a 10% discount
Book 2 nights - get a 15% discount
Book 3 nights - get a 20% discount
The offer is valid for bookings between
21/6 and 11/8, 2024.

Book directly with us

Become a member and get a 10% discount
You get the best conditions when you book directly on our website.
- Breakfast included in the price
- 10% discount on the stay
- 5% bonus on every dollar spent.
Secure your discount and book directly to take advantage of exclusive benefits.

Book a dinner package

Overnight stay including dinner
When you book with this offer, the evening meal in our restaurant Tulegatan 8 is included.

Monday deal

Get a 20% discount on your stay
Stay in central Stockholm, get a 20% discount when you book your stay with arrival on Sunday or Monday.

Gift card

Give an experience as a gift
A gift voucher for an experience is always an appreciated gift. The card can be used as full or partial payment for a lovely overnight stay or a nice dinner in our restaurant. Give someone you care about something to look forward to. You choose the value you want to give away (minimum amount 200 SEK).

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Take advantage of exclusive member offers

Get news and great offers first by joining our regular guest programme.

Book directly on our site for the best price, plus breakfast is always included.

ps. don't forget to book your summer stay with us! See our offers on the website.